Maybe he just looks good compared to the bores he's running against.
Leaders are responsible not for running public opinion polls but for the consequences of their actions.
What I would ask the Democrat Party is to put your plan on the table, because most people agree with the facts, and the facts are that Social Security is running out of money.
There is so much to do on a film set. It is an extraordinarily invigorating and wonderful place to be, when things are running well.
The big political news, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he's running for governor of California, and already, people are chanting, 'Four more vowels, four more vowels.'
In business, the competition will bite you if you keep running, if you stand still, they will swallow you.
I object to people running down the future. I am going to live all the rest of my life there.
You guys are the best. I'll see you in a couple of hours. I haven't seen another human being in 13 hours and I'm running out of bottles for my urine. Later guys!
The priority must be the unification of the world titles to straighten things out. But we should not wait that long anymore to change the situation, because we are running out of time.
I knew how many MPs I had assigned to the brigade, how many military prison operations I would be running, but we needed to evaluate how many criminal prison operations we could support.
An actor really suffers when the director isn't prepared because you start running out of time for the shoot and then have to do it fast.
My biggest worry is I'm running out of time and energy. Thirty years ago I thought 10 years was a really long time.
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness.
We spent most of our life almost like street rats just running around the street until we were ten years old.
We feel good about our running backs as we have them right now, and we will continue to see how they progress.