The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions.
The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions.
Our system is the height of absurdity, since we treat the culprit both as a child, so as to have the right to punish him, and as an adult, in order to deny him consolation.
The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.
It's those moments, those odd moments that you look for and sometimes by creating this kind of loose atmosphere you find those little moments that somehow mean a lot to an audience when they really register right.
You can fool all the people all the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.
I was lucky that I met the right mentors and teachers at the right moment.
A lot of folks are still demanding more evidence before they actually consider Iraq a threat. For example, France wants more evidence. And you know I'm thinking, the last time France wanted more evidence they rolled right through Paris with the German flag.
The big debate right now is if Saddam is alive or dead. He's dead, then he's alive, then dead, then alive. It's just confusing. Today they showed videotape, and Saddam was speaking at his own funeral.
A free culture has been our past, but it will only be our future if we change the path we are on right now.
Right now I'm 185, which is really good for me yet very hard for me to maintain. My weight seems high for the average woman, but I've got big bones and I'm maintaining muscle.
A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient.
Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.
Even in the realest American cinema that I see, there's still not that sense that this is reality. There's still that sense that you are watching a movie. And hopefully, if we did get our jobs right, that sense disappears when you watch this movie.