As a result of the feminist revolution, "feminine" becomes an abusive epithet.
Restoring the Welsh language in Wales is nothing less than a revolution. It is only through revolutionary means that we can succeed.
We're in the midst of an evolution, not a revolution.
Believing we know what makes prosperity work, ignoring the nature of the actual prosperity all around, we change the rules within which the Internet revolution lives. These changes will end the revolution.
All around us are the consequences of the most significant technological, and hence cultural, revolution in generations.
A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation; furthermore, not every revolutionary situation leads to revolution.
When one makes a Revolution, one cannot mark time; one must always go forward - or go back. He who now talks about the "freedom of the press" goes backward, and halts our headlong course towards Socialism.
It is impossible to predict the time and progress of revolution. It is governed by its own more or less mysterious laws.
The children of the revolution are always ungrateful, and the revolution must be grateful that it is so.
There we were in the middle of a sexual revolution wearing clothes that guaranteed we wouldn't get laid.
It is the same with revolution; so long as the proper spirit is spreading amongst our young men, we are satisfied that it spreads without bombast or parade.
The crises of our time, it becomes increasingly clear, are the necessary impetus for the revolution now under way. And once we understand nature's transformative powers, we see that it is our powerful ally, not a force to feared our subdued.
My activism and sexual revolution in New York was a factor.
It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution. We've reached a certain point, but we're not moving any more.
The Russian people are suffering from economic fatigue and from disillusionment with the Allies! The world thinks the Russian Revolution is at an end. Do not be mistaken. The Russian Revolution is just beginning.