Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.
The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility.
This path that we are now starting will be long, and we must follow it to remind ourselves of the great principles that, in our understanding, should always inspire us.
The task of a priest, in some respects, may be different today, but the principles upon which Herbert built his life as a priest are of universal application.
I don't worry too much about the fundamentalist principles that are in almost any discussion about jazz.
Our differences are policies; our agreements, principles.
Only to the extent that men desire peace and brotherhood can the world be made better. No peace even though temporarily obtained, will be permanent, whether to individuals or nations, unless it is built upon the solid foundation of eternal principles.
I am a Republican. I'm loyal to the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. And I believe that my party, in some ways, has strayed from those principles, particularly on the issue of fiscal discipline.
The way you have bipartisan negotiations, you sit down across the table, as we did with Ted Kennedy, as I've done with many other members, and you say, 'OK, here's what I want, here's what you want. We'll adhere to your principles, but we'll make concessions.'
According to this way of arguing, there will be no true principles in the world; for there are none but what may be wrested and perverted to serve bad purposes, either through the weakness or wickedness of men.
I was conducted in the evening to a tavern where several of the weavers who advocate the principles of the People's Charter were in the habit of assembling.
We may either proceed from principles to facts, or recede from facts to principles.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
I have always adhered to two principles. The first one is to train hard and get in the best possible physical condition. The second is to forget all about the other fellow until you face him in the ring and the bell sounds for the fight.
It is from the traditional family that we absorb those universal ideals and principles which are the teaching of Jesus, the bedrock of our religious faith. We are taught the difference between right and wrong, and about the law, just punishment and discipline.