Human blunders usually do more to shape history than human wickedness.
When may a revival be expected? When the wickedness of the wicked grieves and distresses the Christian.
After a sound drubbing followed by half a day's fasting, I felt more like laughing than like crying; and, in half a while, all was forgotten and my wickedness began afresh and worse than ever.
Keyholes are the occasions of more sin and wickedness, than all other holes in this world put together.
The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.
Wickedness is its own punishment.
There is no dignity in wickedness, whether in purple or rags; and hell is a democracy of devils, where all are equals.
According to this way of arguing, there will be no true principles in the world; for there are none but what may be wrested and perverted to serve bad purposes, either through the weakness or wickedness of men.
War contains so much folly, as well as wickedness, that much is to be hoped from the progress of reason.
It is necessary for him who lays out a state and arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are evil and that they are always going to act according to the wickedness of their spirits whenever they have free scope.
This is the very worst wickedness, that we refuse to acknowledge the passionate evil that is in us. This makes us secret and rotten.
Melancholy and sadness are the start of doubt... doubt is the beginning of despair; despair is the cruel beginning of the differing degrees of wickedness.
It is a fact that cannot be denied: the wickedness of others becomes our own wickedness because it kindles something evil in our own hearts.
In morals what begins in fear usually ends in wickedness; in religion what begins in fear usually ends in fanaticism. Fear, either as a principle or a motive, is the beginning of all evil.
Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It is an insult to creation not to experience it fully. Temperance is wickedness.