The Republicans are running wild with our tax dollars and it's been a mistake to let this administration continue a policy of incompetence when it comes to Iraq.
Two thirds of a century ago, we were given a national policy. It was made to fit the conditions of the day.
I have been involved in Internet-related policy for approximately one decade, and I have been using the Internet myself for almost that period of time.
Even though I was concentrating on that two-week period from September 11th to September 20th, I was seeing the policy for real, happening, that we were talking about in the film.
If we don't act now, the death tax will come back in just a few years. Under current law the death tax is phased out in 2010 but comes back in full force in 2011. That is a ridiculous and untenable policy.
And I've tried to give us a higher profile. Typically, at a board meeting, we'd pass resolutions about the civil-rights issue of the day, but we'd never tell anyone. So I've instituted a policy of announcing our resolutions at the end of our meetings.
Abroad, our most important policy is to support our troops and continue forward-thinking foreign policy in the war on terror - keeping our enemies on the run and hitting them before they hit us.
And I think the rolling polls put more pressure on them to sustain their beliefs and to improve their delivery of the policy and their delivery of the ideas so that they can garner support for whatever principle they're articulating.
The biggest mistakes, early on, involved foreign policy and involved the strategy for health care.
It is my view that we cannot conduct foreign policy at the extremes.
It is longstanding U.S. policy that we will talk to the Iranians anytime, anywhere, on any subject, with no preconditions. So far, they have not taken us up on our offer.
American foreign policy has been - and must continue to be - based on unequivocal support for Israel's right to exist and to be free from terror.
Iran is central to our foreign policy in the Middle East, a major player in global energy markets, and a key country in terms of our interaction with the Muslim world.
Bush will keep up that policy that gives the United State the role of promoting freedom in the world.
Children have in the past and continue to influence policy makers.