The system that enables the most people to earn the most success is free enterprise, by matching up people's skills, interests, and abilities. In contrast, redistribution simply spreads money around. Even worse, it attenuates the ability to earn success by perverting economic incentives.
It's better to be known by six people for something you're proud of than by 60 million for something you're not.
Real love is a pilgrimage. It happens when there is no strategy, but it is very rare because most people are strategists.
You can never betray the people who are dead, so you go on being a public Jew; the dead can't answer slurs, but I'm here. I would love to think that Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, but he doesn't.
A complete woman is probably not a very admirable creature. She is manipulative, uses other people to get her own way, and works within whatever system she is in.
People think you can't be clever if you have breasts.
Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
Honest people don't hide their deeds.
She was trusted and valued by her father, loved and courted by all dogs, cats, children, and poor people, and slighted and neglected by everybody else.
The world is made up of people who never quite get into the first team and who just miss the prizes at the flower show.
The world is full of people who never quite get into the first team and who just miss the prizes at the flower show.
Our obligation at the network is where do we fit into that and how can we best capitalize on that to make sure that our piece of that remains important to those young people.
I think they are paying a lot more attention to news now, by the way, in part because of national-security issues. A lot of young people have friends or family in the military today.
Speaking generally, people who are drawn to journalism are interested in what happens from the ground up less than they are from the top down.
It's interesting because you feel on the one hand, we understand people from what the say, and in another sense, you'd think that you'd be able to convey more through dialogue.