I suppose because I have a good ear, I could pick out harmonies and learn by ear. I still think that you have to have an ear for music to really be able to feel and understand what you're playing. You can learn by watching and listening to other people.
I'm sure if we had made an album that was more traditional would have been released immediately. When we actually play this music on stage and people become familiar with it, it will become more popular.
The weird thing about this business - and I'm sure this operates in many other things, but it's very present and acute in this business - is that a lot of people don't realize that they have power. Particularly actors.
I tried to do the commercial thing. But I don't want to keep shoving Twinkies down everyone's throat. People are hungry for something of more substance.
People get hurt all the time in the game of football, it's part of what we do.
I think people are isolated because of the nature of human consciousness, and they like it when they feel the connection between themselves and someone else.
People should watch out for three things: avoid a major addiction, don't get so deeply into debt that it controls your life, and don't start a family before you're ready to settle down.
I'm a survivor - a living example of what people can go through and survive.
People who know me well, call me Elizabeth. I dislike Liz.
When people say, 'She's got everything', I've got one answer - I haven't had tomorrow.
The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues.
I looked like an alien, and in front of the most beautiful people on TV.
I understand about the relative strengths of people, and I don't think people have to be anything. They can be nothin' if they want to be.
I discovered very early that it wasn't quite enough for me to imitate people.
Psychoanalysts believe that the only 'normal' people are those who cause no trouble either to themselves or anyone else.