Because some people have sex with people of the same sex, an entire culture has been created, broadly speaking, out of oppression. Which in a rational world would not be an issue.
Isn't cricket supposed to be a team sport? I feel people should decide first whether cricket is a team game or an individual sport.
I'm really convinced that our descendants a century or two from now will look back at us with the same pity that we have toward the people in the field of science two centuries ago.
You program music with an image and then people are desensitized.
People will justify whatever for a good cause.
I have never had a problem with people not being able to understand the words and the meanings in Titus.
I have directed good actors and have gone through the process which is more detailed in theater in a way. You have to get people to stay for two or three hours in a performance. They need more talk and rehearsal than in films.
And I just think that to introduce an unknown Shakespeare is thrilling, too - not to do Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet, to do the richer Shakespeare. People will come to this and not know the story.
It's people who are repressed and cannot express their fears that are dangerous.
We still seem to trigger that intensity in people, which was quite incredible.
Sometimes the problem is not the people in the band, but the people around the band.
Some people even went off to form another band, Power Station.
A lot of people are doing something about their weight, but by their own reckoning, it isn't enough to get the results they want.
I've always held to the belief, though, that people who do too much acting training always look like they're acting, you know?
Blues music is becoming more and more popular than it ever was. I'm always meeting people on the road that are really young, and are guitar players. male and female.