Homelessness is a part of our American system. There should be nothing wrong with this condition as long as the individual is not sentenced to unnecessary suffering and punishment.
In those days, between the ages of 12 and 18 you meant nothing. You were the extra place at the side table if someone came to dinner. You were of no interest to anyone.
Nothing gives us courage more readily than the desire to avoid looking like a damn fool.
People can inhabit anything. And they can be miserable in anything and ecstatic in anything. More and more I think that architecture has nothing to do with it. Of course, that's both liberating and alarming.
The pains felt by Asian countries are our own pains. Disaster in Asia is nothing but ours as well.
Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.
I believe with all my heart that civilization has produced nothing finer than a man or woman who thinks and practices true tolerance.
We began to do little things, have little scenes where we just talked about things that had nothing to do with the plot. In fact, in the beginning, they didn't want us to do that. But as time went on, you see that in so many shows. I think we were the first to do that.
There's nothing like doing something wrong to learn how it might be done better.
No person ever gave me nothing but God.
Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.
It's nothing to be ashamed of and that there are even beneficial traits associated with the condition. Most importantly, acknowledge yourself for who you are and if you're struggling with anything resembling ADD get professionally diagnosed.
Nothing could be recorded in those days except by aiming a movie camera at the television screen. It was at least another 10 years before they had any kind of recording medium.
There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out, from morning till evening - figure pictures and landscapes, more rarely portraits.
Nothing earth-shattering has happened in men's fashion. How much can you do with men's clothes?