Nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants currently live within our borders. That's 11 million people living in the shadows whom we know next to nothing about.
I feel like I'm nothing without wildlife. They are the stars. I feel awkward without them.
Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is to little.
I take people very seriously. People are all I take seriously, in fact. Therefore, I have nothing but sympathy for how people behave - and nothing but laughter to console them with.
But the universe, as a collection of finite things, presents itself as a kind of island situated in a pure vacuity to which time, regarded as a series of mutually exclusive moments, is nothing and does nothing.
What is a fish without a river? What is a bird without a tree to nest in? What is an Endangered Species Act without any enforcement mechanism to ensure their habitat is protected? It is nothing.
When I write, the first blank page, or any blank page, means nothing to me. What means something is a page that has been filled with words.
For me, words are just words, nothing else.
With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
Marriage! Nothing else demands so much of a man.
Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
Nothing was more up-to-date when it was built, or is more obsolete today, than the railroad station.
Nothing can be more incorrect than the assumption one sometimes meets with, that physics has one method, chemistry another, and biology a third.
I am content with nothing, restless and ambitious... and I despise myself for the vanity, which formed half the stimulus to my exertions. Oh would that I were one of those plodding wise fools who having once set their hand to the plough go on nothing doubting.
Science is nothing, but trained and organized common sense.