The mission for the day is to encourage students to think beyond traditional career opportunities, prepare for future careers and entrance into the workplace.
I feel however, that we architects have a special duty and mission... (to contribute) to the socio-cultural development of architecture and urban planning.
When I first became interested in photography, I thought it was the whole cheese. My idea was to have it recognized as one of the fine arts. Today I don't give a hoot in hell about that. The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each man to himself.
And it raises a fundamental question: How long can we move the world in one direction while we move in another direction, and do we want to backslide into an era that we finally emerged from where we had a nuclear weapon for every tactical mission?
Our mission, is to publish books on social and cultural issues, including books on law related to those areas. We are not looking for books on, say, tax policy, etc.
The Jesuits had learned that a Christian mission to China could never succeed if it were not in a position to show and convince the Chinese intelligentsia of the superiority of the European culture.
I think all of us certainly believed the statistics which said that probably 88% chance of mission success and maybe 96% chance of survival. And we were willing to take those odds.