The more she rejected us the more convinced I was that she was another version of the real Molly, her disdain for authority, her scepticism that she had to do what the white man told her because it was good for her... She is Molly.
The beautiful heroine might be thinking, How long must I bury my face on this wretched man's shoulder? Such is not the always the case, but quite often it is.
Only as far as a man is happily married to himself is he fit for married life and family life in general.
Men may be popular without being ambitious, but there is hardly an ambitious man who does not try to be popular.
No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Money, Plate, etc. lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer.
If any man, out of an humour, should turn all his Estate into Money, and keep it dead, he would soon be sensible of Poverty growing upon him, whilst he is eating out of the quick stock.
One rich Man hath Lands, not only more than he can manage, but so much, that letting them out to others, he is supplied with a large over-plus, so needs no farther care.
The man who respects a woman does not know what else to do with her.
A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so.
If it is a shame to be the second man on Mount Everest, then I will have to live with this shame.
The position of modern science, as far as an ignorant man of letters can understand it, seems not a step in advance of that held by Huxley and Romanes in the last century.
Assuming that man has a distinct spiritual nature, a soul, why should it be thought unnatural that under appropriate conditions of maladjustment, his soul might die before his body does; or that his soul might die without his knowing it?
A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.
When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.
Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.