In the lead up to the Iraq war and its later conduct, I saw at a minimum, true dereliction, negligence and irresponsibility, at worse, lying, incompetence and corruption.
I remember just lying in the grass, staring at the clouds, wondering where they drifted off to after they floated over Texas. I never would have imagined that one day I would follow one of those clouds and find myself in Hollywood.
People will sooner aid a sick dog lying on the sidewalk than to try to find shelter for a sick person. It's too much to deal with.
Society can exist only on the basis that there is some amount of polished lying and that no one says exactly what he thinks.
There's hostility to lying, and there should be.
The failure of the system to deal quickly was attributable to Nixon's lying, stonewalling and refusal to come clean. So it took 26 months for the final truth to be known.
The worst kind of lying I've ever done is keeping things from people.
I remember lying down for a nap one day at about 4:00 and walking up at 11:00 the next morning.
In so many interviews, they bring up the sexual aspect of the record. I've had some journalists say it sounds like I'm lying down in bed singing with a microphone. It gets so old!
What we have to do, what at any rate it is our duty to do, is to revive the old art of Lying.
But the Bible speaks against it, and because the Bible speaks against it, we allow rampant sin including homosexuality and lying, and to me lying is just as b ad as homosexuality, and we've allowed this sin to run rampant in our nation.
I don't take criticism lying down.
It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you're in control any more.
Advertising is legalized lying.
There is no detachment where there is no pain. And there is no pain endured without hatred or lying unless detachment is present too.