While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered animals, how can we expect any ideal living conditions on this earth?
I think the life we are living now is just a blink in the eye of eternity.
I'm living out a childhood fantasy. Our house is in a historic district of a small town that I used to read about in storybooks.
I grew up with Al Jarreau. We had a band together and worked these places for three years when neither one of us knew we could make a living doing music.
Stories about the ongoing dramas in our lives as we age are not being told because women find it difficult to be honest about what's going on - about, for example, our heightened sexuality as we age or about living in a society that only values youth.
When you have a child, your previous life seems like someone else's. It's like living in a house and suddenly finding a room you didn't know was there, full of treasure and light.
Living is more a question of what one spends than what one makes.
I really think that living is the process of going from complete certainty to complete ignorance.
The association promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in any prior decisions.
The sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living, which are to be desired when dying.
I am convinced that living in an enclave shapes the personality, and living alone shapes the personality too.
I like to think of thoughts as living blossoms borne by the human tree.
If you were to destroy the belief in immortality in mankind, not only love but every living force on which the continuation of all life in the world depended, would dry up at once.
I'd love to star in a television series of my own. I love the idea of living with a character for a number of years, watching him grow.
I sit on my duff, smoke cigarettes and watch TV. I'm not exactly a poster girl for healthy living.