Yes, but Hollywood is the strangest place in that they'll torpedo their own film to prove an emotional point.
I've never been a guy who had more than a toe in Hollywood anyway, so my toe is more easily lopped off than most.
English is my second language, but in Hong Kong, they don't know that I'm from China. They think I'm from Hollywood because all the films they see are from here. China and Hong Kong are very different places, but they're starting to merge. Still the culture is very different.
I'm thinking, this is Robert Redford. You know, he's won an Academy Award, he's talking to me about directing a movie he's in. So you just think that it's Hollywood stuff or whatever.
Behind the phony tinsel of Hollywood lies the real tinsel.
Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you'll find the real tinsel underneath.
If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
Film-makers should remain true to their principles and never compromise, there is a real revival in the British film industry but there is a danger that we will become colonial servants of Hollywood. We need to maintain our own integrity.
Hollywood is fickle; your career can end pretty fast. If the acting jobs dry up, you have to have something to fall back on. In fact, that would be my advice to kids interested in acting - make sure you get an education too.
I'm fascinated by how Hollywood has changed since I started. Today it's about immediate delivery. There's less risk and less art.
Obviously I am not the young man who came to Hollywood in 1946.
I know when I'm working I seldom get into trouble. My educated guess is that boredom has caused most of the problems with Hollywood celebrities.
The ladder of success in Hollywood is usually a press agent, actor, director, producer, leading man; and you are a star if you sleep with each of them in that order. Crude, but true.
Let any pretty girl announce a divorce in Hollywood and the wolves come running. Fresh meat for the beast, and they are always hungry.
That was my one big Hollywood hit, but, in a way, it hurt my picture career. After that, I was typecast as a lion, and there just weren't many parts for lions.