If you look at the history of big obstacles in understanding our world, there's usually an intuitive assumption underlying them that's wrong.
The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.
After eight months of one of the most intensive public and private investigations in American history, no one - no one - has come up with a shred of evidence that I had anything to do with the anthrax letters. I have never worked with anthrax. I know nothing about this matter.
Helplessness induces hopelessness, and history attests that loss of hope and not loss of lives is what decides the issue of war.
From William of Orange to William Pitt the younger there was but one man without whom English history must have taken a different turn, and that was William Pitt the elder.
Few characters in history are indispensable.
There never has been a time in our history when work was so abundant or when wages were as high, whether measured by the currency in which they are paid or by their power to supply the necessaries and comforts of life.
That was the first time ever in history that anybody got Special Guest Star. I started that whole nonsense.
My argument is that War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading.
No doubt one may quote history to support any cause, as the devil quotes scripture.
Everybody needs history but the people who need it most are poor folks - people without resources or options.
Food might be more immediately important than history but if you don't understand what's been done to you - by your own people and the so-called "they" - you can never get around it.
Destiny is something not be to desired and not to be avoided. a mystery not contrary to reason, for it implies that the world, and the course of human history, have meaning.
Those who invoke history will certainly be heard by history. And they will have to accept its verdict.
I am a fan of history.