I lost my father was I 10 years old, and I always looked for a father. I missed my father very much.
Thirteen, 13 children, and I love - I love them all. And I think I've been a good father to all of them.
I was brought up in a whorehouse in Peoria. My mother and father lived there and worked there.
I grew up not liking my father very much. I never saw him cry. But he must have. Everybody cries.
Our Father which art in heaven - Stay there - And we will stay on earth - Which is sometimes so pretty.
You know, I had my mother and my father convincing me that he would be going back to Hollywood and he'd be back with the actresses and dating them and that he wasn't serious about me at all. So I had him saying one thing to me and my parents telling me something else.
I was very protective of my father and I didn't like these people who hung around outside all day. They creeped me out.
I have a lot of memories, but I don't go into capitalizing on that. Something's got to be my own. I'm not doing the record to sit here and broadcast my memories of my father.
I was quite the spoiled brat. I have quite a temper, obviously inherited from my father, and I became very good at ordering everyone around. I was the princess; the staff were absolutely terrified of me.
God the Father and God the Son cannot be everywhere present; indeed they cannot be even in two places at the same instant: but God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent - it extends through all space, with all other matter.
The Godhead consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is a material being.
My father has a general rule. He says if I haven't done it in real life I shouldn't do it on-screen.
I come from a family that has been here for almost 200 years. My ancestors started a very dangerous gunpowder business in 1802, and my great- grandfather and his father were both killed in gunpowder explosions.
I decided in my life that I would do nothing that did not reflect positively on my father's life.
My father was a poor man, very poor in a British colonial possession where class and race were very important.