In a couple, sometimes, one or both people have to give up their personal life, dreams and ambitions for the good of the family.
I'm a lucky person because I've been loved a lot. I have a great family.
I don't like staying in hotels. I like to be in my own bed. San Diego as a city is really awesome. The only hard part of it for me is that I'm away from my family and my house. But as far as shooting down there, we get amazing locations, and the crew is really, really stellar down there. They are really fun.
I have the best roommates in the world! It creates a fun sense of family... and that's really important to me. Things can get so lonely without it.
I'm not in the business of becoming famous. And that's the advice I give to younger aspiring actors. Work onstage and do the little roles. In the end it's not important to be seen. It's important to do. There's a lot of disappointment in this business, but my family keeps me grounded.
Art and Religion are, then, two roads by which men escape from circumstance to ecstasy. Between aesthetic and religious rapture there is a family alliance. Art and Religion are means to similar states of mind.
I just have a lot of respect for Terry and his family. He played without a mask, and his life was tragically ended. And it just means a lot to me to be up there with him and the other greats that have played that long.
The Treatise tries to analyze not only modern Western families, but also those in other cultures and the changes in family structure during the past several centuries.
And partly, the worst thing you could do in my family was need something from someone. So physical strength represented an avenue of self-sufficiency to me.
As a regent, I hope to bring that important perspective of a typical family visitor in combination with my background as a Member of Congress and a proponent of the Smithsonian's efforts to reach all Americans.
My family thought the fascination with acting was just another fad.
My Eighth District, like others, counts on these family businesses and their teams working hard to support their families and aid their communities. As retailers, these teams often bring different or unique products to the marketplace.
I know what I have to do and I plan to do it. It's a good time to get it done and get it behind me. It's treatable, so why not treat it now? My family will give me comfort but I have to do this alone.
But if you really want to get involved in making a difference, you can stay at home with your family and have a job and make a reasonable living without having to be on an airplane all of the time, then you ought to go back home and run for School Board.
You know I don't think we need the Republicans to steal family values from us.