I'm the age now that Rock was when he picked me up, so I can understand how he felt - how his fame limited his freedom. You get kinder as you go along.
Otherwise, to be a movie star, it's a lot of compromise and also a lot of headaches. You can't do what you want. You become a prisoner of your fame. This happened to me in France and I don't want it.
I just hope I can live long enough to see the fame.
A lot of celebrities just want money, fame, power, fancy cars, houses all over the world and have people bow down to them. To me, that's frightful behaviour.
At root fame is a sham. I'm not going to live forever and if I am I certainly need don't you to tell me that so that I will buy a car or a box of dried up crackers.
Fame is everywhere; the 15 minutes are now the dominant themes of our times.
Fame has sent a number of celebrities off the deep end, and in the case of Michael Jackson, to the kiddy pool.
To me, the whole idea of fame and I think it can be a real test of somebody, of who they are. You know, 'cause some strange things happen. I've seen some peculiar things as far as a person just living their life.
I've done all this stuff because it's fun. It's never been about fame.
I've been through this fame thing before, when the band was big in '80, '81.
Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny.
The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well whatever you do without thought of fame. If it comes at all it will come because it is deserved, not because it is sought after.
If cash comes with fame, come fame; if cash comes without fame, come cash.
Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say, 'hi'. You say hi and people whisper' man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude.
Some people obtain fame, others deserve it.