It's my life and my death.
Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil.
In this life and death case, I felt Mrs. Schiavo should receive the fullest due process from our legal system.
Some people say my work is often depressing and pessimistic, with the emphasis on death, blood, overcrowding, strange beings and so on, but I don't really think it is.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.
Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people.
If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved.
The silver swan, who, living had no note, When death approached unlocked her silent throat.
I thought I had a clear picture of death, but now I know it's a mystery and it will always be a mystery, although it is something we all have in common: everybody knows that life ends with death.
If the heart stops for more than two minutes, you have massive brain death. There are only two minutes between our conscious world and zero. That's how fragile our consciousness is.
You don't rehearse jazz to death to get the camera angles.
It is not tolerable, it is not possible, that from so much death, so much sacrifice and ruin, so much heroism, a greater and better humanity shall not emerge.
The U.S. couldn't even get rid of Saddam Hussein. And we all know that the EU is just a passing fad. They'll be killing each other again in less than a year. I'm sick to death of all these fascist lawsuits.
An 'unemployed' existence is a worse negation of life than death itself.
The drink? Yes, I've had tough times in my life, especially the last year, regarding my ex-wife, my kids, I nearly broke my neck, I was on death row with pneumonia.