The only way to enjoy golf is to be a masochist. Go out and beat yourself to death.
Land and sea, weakness and decline are great separators, but death is the great divorcer for ever.
I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your loveliness and the hour of my death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute.
Miller didn't write Death of a Salesman. He released it. It was there inside him, waiting to be turned loose. That's the measure of its merit.
Whatever you think of de Sade, he was a complex figure and we should not look for easy answers with him. He was, strangely perhaps, against the death penalty, and he was never put in prison for murders or anything like that.
Life without Liberty is far worse than death.
If we are to abolish the death penalty, I should like to see the first step taken by my friends the murderers.
He killed his enemies because he was afraid they would kill him. Amin ordered entire tribes to be put to death, because he feared they would rebel.
I think we brothers realised his loss more and more as we grew older. We actually grew closer after his death.
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime.
Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose.
Life comes to the miners out of their deaths, and death out of their lives.
To me death is not a fearful thing. It's living that's cursed.
To lose a son under those circumstances - a violent death like my son went through, it just puts a burden on your heart.
There's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.