But I am committed to keeping this city a strong and viable center for commerce and industry, for continuing to make it a place of opportunity for its citizens.
Women thrive on novelty and are easy meat for the commerce of fashion. Men prefer old pipes and torn jackets.
He gave us the lakes for our Northern boundary, and the rivers stretching to the seas upon whose waters floats our commerce to the nations of the world; while man has done all that can be done by science to bind us together.
The lessons taught in great books are misleading. The commerce in life is rarely so simple and never so just.
Let peace, descending from her native heaven, bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations; and plenty, in league with commerce, scatter blessings from her copious hand!
Anywhere you had a commerce center, you had a lot of music.
And you also have to do movies that are about commerce because that's what is required of the industry today.
Science, like art, religion, commerce, warfare, and even sleep, is based on presuppositions.
Honor sinks where commerce long prevails.
Ideas are refined and multiplied in the commerce of minds. In their splendor, images effect a very simple communion of souls.
I'll work overtime to open the doors of opportunity to industry and commerce.
The offshore ocean area under U.S. jurisdiction is larger than our land mass, and teems with plant and animal life, mineral resources, commerce, trade, and energy sources.