Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen.
When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way - before one began.
I haven't done any building designs since the Loaf House.
Homeowners and business owners across the country agreed to pay premiums, communities agreed to adopt building codes to mitigate flood dangers, and the Federal Government agreed to provide insurance coverage to policyholders after a disaster.
Like any small business owner, I experienced the pressures of building a company from the ground up - developing a business plan, balancing the books, meeting payroll and building a customer base.
One hardly knows where, in the history of science, to look for an important movement that had its effective start in so pure and simple an accident as that which led to the building of the great Washington telescope, and went on to the discovery of the satellites of Mars.
I'd like to play Ian Paisley, actually. I'd need building up, though he's very frail now.
War drags human beings from their tasks of building and improving, and pushes them en masse into the category of destroyers and killers.
In this case we're building a corner to stretch a fence and hang a gate. It had a real purpose in the ranch here. I needed to do this. But at the same time, it made a beautiful structure.
The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building.
Not far from our house, and opposite the old church with the golden cross, stood a large building, even larger than the church, and having many towers.
The people gave me the responsibility of building the future of this nation. And I did it with honor.
The church of St. Peter at Berlin, notwithstanding the total difference between them in the style of building, appears in some respects to have a great resemblance to St. Paul's in London.
There was a failure to recognize the deep problems in AI; for instance, those captured in Blocks World. The people building physical robots learned nothing.
Business chief executive officers and their boards succumb to the pressures of the financial markets and their fears of takeovers and pour out their energies to produce quarterly earnings - at the expense of building their companies for the long term.