The trick is to have my own particular taste and feel for the theater to audiences who have been used to one particular style and taste for nearly 40 years.
We were tremendously encouraged by the testing of Analyze That. Audiences loved it. They were telling us that they liked it as much as the original. We recorded the laughs in the theater.
At this stage, what would be rewarding would be for audiences to want to watch.
American audiences tend to be more expressive than British ones.
Anyway, I collapsed in France in the middle of a tour. I hadn't been eating properly, I was getting very phobic about audiences, and I collapsed in pure fright.
Audiences in London called me the girl with the black cherry eyes.
There are always new things to experience, internalize then write about. This process is ongoing with me. It never stops. The opportunity to reach new audiences with all of the music that we have made is thrilling.
I'm thrilled at the moment because our audiences, you know, they... the demographic is 50% male.
I've always seen myself as one of those 'show people.' My earliest memories are wanting and needing to entertain people, like a gypsy traveler who goes from place to place, city to city, performing for audiences and reaching people.
It was really strange for me when I started to play concerts in America where the audiences were all sitting down.
Large audiences did not suit my low-key approach.
My face has changed with the years and has enough history in it to give audiences something to work with.
Although his crusade in 1957 occurred at a time in our nation's history when race divided all, Reverend Graham refused to preach in segregated audiences.
Audiences are the same all over the world, and if you entertain them, they'll respond.
I think American audiences are quite interesting in that they can handle almost any amount of violence, but the moment the violence becomes sexual violence it immediately becomes an issue.