I believe there is little to gain by exchanging opinions with other artists concerning either the ideology of art or technical methods.
My parents cultured me a lot and they introduced me to a lot of artists, a lot of their friends.
Everything we do helps the new artists in the long run.
People are afraid to ask musicians to be involved in projects because they anticipate being turned down. Young artists hesitate before contacting me. People in my position don't get approached often enough.
I like to work with artists who are as wide in their musical taste as I am.
All of them had so much to offer us as far as, you know, knowledge in the music industry, and especially Randy and Paula because, you know, they've been artists.
You know, Simon he's an artist representative, but Randy and Paula actually were in the industry as artists so they had, you know, the information that they offered to us from their aspect.
I have a private press. I'm a book artist. I publish books of other authors and artists. I do the illustrating. I set the type. I print it myself on my press. I do everything but bind it.
Many people think voice over artists just read, there's much more to it. Without acting beats, scene study and improving skills, you won't make it.
Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.
I'd love to break America, like all artists do. It's a lot of work but, you know, it's got to be done!
The artist is an educator of artists of the future who are able to understand and in the process of understanding perform unexpected - the best - evolutions.
I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit.
I helped found Artists for New South Africa, but it used to be called Artists for Free South Africa. Alfre Woodard and a bunch of us started this.
Most artists come in and out of the country, they stay may be 2 weeks - or a month max and then they leave.