I think it would be nice to sell 15 million albums as a solo artist. I'd have to deal with all the repercussions of that, but that wouldn't be too bad.
The character of the artist doesn't enter into the nature of the art.
I hope my work has inspired young artists. I have always tried to maintain my freedom as an artist and I feel it is one of the main reasons I have been successful.
By the time I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be an artist. I was a born draftsman and liked all forms of art, so I just knew that's what I wanted to do.
I think an artist's responsibility is more complex than people realize.
I strongly suggest that we play down basics like who influenced whom, and instead study the way the influence is transformed, in other words: how the artist made it his own.
Most people think an artist tries to be original, but originality is the last thing that develops in the artist.
Why do we pigeonhole and label an artist? It is a sure way of missing the important, the contradictory, the things that make him or her unique.
That is why the analogy of stealing does not work. With a thief, we want to know how much money he stole, and from whom. With the artist it is not how much he took and from whom, but what he did with it.
As a fashion designer, I was always aware that I was not an artist, because I was creating something that was made to be sold, marketed, used, and ultimately discarded.
I didn't really think about becoming a professional artist until high school, when I realized that everything else required too much math.
My life is as an artist, not an entertainer. I don't consider myself an entertainer, but I can do that thing when I want to.
America tends to worship the modest talent because it doesn't put us in an uncomfortable position vis-a-vis the artist.
If something is successful with the audience, it's automatically suspect; the reverse is to say that not to reach audiences is the greatest compliment an artist can receive!
The artist is something of an outsider in America. I have always felt that America does not value its artists, certainly not in the sense that the Europeans do.