Once you 'got' Pop, you could never see a sign again the same way again. And once you thought Pop, you could never see America the same way again.
It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.
What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest.
If we pulled out of Iraq tomorrow, Islamic jihadism is on the rise. And they continue, as we see in Lebanon, to seek to destroy the State of Israel and seek to drive America back and bring us to our knees. We must stand tall and straight.
Hamas, also elected to governmental leadership in Palestine, includes the jihadists, people who have declared war on the United States of America and its ally, Israel.
The people that are running the bulk of the comic shops in North America aren't business people and they don't understand sales. They don't understand good product.
Since the Gulf War, since the new World Order, America is now the number one arms dealer in the world.
America is ready for intelligent talk. I am ready to bring some humanity to TV.
The selfless actions of these heroes have removed them from their families, businesses and homeland to fight, so that others may experience the liberty awaiting our troops upon safe return to America.
Looking long term, a stronger, wealthier, and more stable Central America next door benefits the United States' own safety, security, and economy.
The fascists in most Latin American countries tell the people that the reason their wages will not buy as much in the way of goods is because of Yankee imperialism. The fascists in Latin America learn to speak and act like natives.
The European brand of fascism will probably present its most serious postwar threat to us via Latin America.
Fascism is a worldwide disease. Its greatest threat to the United States will come after the war, either via Latin America or within the United States itself.
My father passed away a couple of years ago, but he was very old. He was almost a 100 years old. And, you know, he had a very good life. He came to America and he had a good life.
I came here to help make America more competitive and prosperous by developing an energy policy that increases conservation, promotes cleaner technologies, encourages development of renewables and enhances domestic production of gas and oil.