I only worked on Men of Honor for three weeks, but I walked away with so much. Because Bob is the kind of actor who gives you the opportunity to really go there. And we really had to go there. I mean, we were both playing drunks.
I'm not an instinctive actor.
Only a great actor finds the difficulties of the actor's art infinite.
I see my job as an actor to be as good a channel as I can be. Acting is a gift, and I have respect for it.
Everything I learned as an actor, I have basically applied to writing.
My parents said, Oh, he's going to be a director someday. I wanted to be an actor.
This whole thing about winning and losing is muddy waters. But I can remember, as a young actor, just walking around this city and not being able to get arrested.
So from an actor's perspective, you really have no idea how you're acting.
As an actor, you can do what you want with your role. That's why they hire you; to take the role and make it real.
I think English is a fantastic, rich and musical language, but of course your mother tongue is the most important for an actor.
One tries to be an observer as an actor and indeed as a director because the small things, the give-away things are what are really interesting to a performer.
We had a very energetic floor manager and he was always jumping around all over the place. The director would send down messages like, Can you tell that actor to calm down?
When you're a young actor you like to go for characters with a bit of flair, so in many films I ended up playing the weirdos. I can assure you I'm not a psycho or a criminal or a bully.
There's a confidence that comes from youth and not knowing better. But there comes a point, as an actor, when you do know better, and that is when the fear starts.
I'm not that complicated as an actor. I have a formula in which I work, yeah. But not like Sean Penn does. Sean is one of the few actors I know who can work like that, actually becoming the character he is playing, and get consistent results. I don't believe you can ever be someone else. You manifest different levels of your own personality to come up with a character.