It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space and selves.
It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.
In my beginning is my end.
If you desire to drain to the dregs the fullest cup of scorn and hatred that a fellow human being can pour out for you, let a young mother hear you call dear baby "it."
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.
I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different.
I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates.
Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones and, in working them up into poetry, to express feelings which are not in actual emotions at all.
I am an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics.
Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal.
The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason.
The last thing one discovers in composing a work is what to put first.
The most important thing for poets to do is to write as little as possible.