Pop music allows you to be who you are without having to wear a social uniform or to conform, which some people find impossible to do.
I'm still grappling with all the things most people resolve by the time they're 35. Maybe that's why I make music that is relevant to young people. I'm emotionally stuck at the age of 13.
I've always craved to belong to somewhere, but I never have and never will.
I've seen many of my contemporaries become superstars, and the way fame and fortune starts to really affect the way they treat other people, and I think it's ugly.
If you suffer from depression, anything that makes you feel has to the most important thing in your life, because it's the only thing that can save you.
I'm a hopeless mother; a hopeless wife; I have to try harder. I'm just a pathetic case history, really.
I have this massive love for the whole culture of pop music. It's my fascination, my ongoing passion.
Fashion goes round in circles.
I can't remember what the last film I saw was, as I can't smoke or drink in cinemas.
Being a woman is really crap.
Depression scares people off. It makes me laugh that it has that kind of effect.
I have a naturally camp sensibility and a camp sense of humour. I love the icons that gay people love.
I just can't seem to write songs about peace and love. Yeah right, how do you get that?
I love to sing old Motown songs to myself, or some Patti Smith Edith Piaf or Billie Holiday. That gets me in the mood for singing.
I'm a crap guitarist and I find it really hard writing on my own.