Holly Hunter has been doing great work forever.
I think it's always harder in a film to convey intimacy.
I think it kind of took being a character actor to kind of now enter into leading ladies.
And now oddly I'm getting sexier parts than I've ever gotten.
I just have a thing for writers. Maybe it because I'm just so not a writer.
I have to watch the news or my day is not complete.
I always try to approach character first and foremost viscerally.
But no, had I been successful in my 20s I would have been just fine. But it is nice to defy the odds.
But I have had the luxury of working on good films with great people.
I think it would be hard to go the distance in this business without a sense of humor.
The majority of work I do is in independent films, where you're lucky if you have five takes.
I'm obsessed. I've always needed to know what's going on but now it's a must.
I love writers. All of my best friends are writers.
You're always close and you never get that big romantic lead.
Why are comedic parts for women the exception, not the rule?