I was used to playing misled youth, rough-and-tumble guys. It was nice to get back to a big-hearted, warm and gentle soul, a guy who is destined for something a lot larger than he ever expected.
You have to pay attention to the work on the page and make it as good as possible because it could be your last.
I just try not to subscribe to the ways of celebrity. I'm not a celebrity, I'm a working actor. A lot of the events - the parties and the premieres that people go to to get noticed - I'm just not into. I'll hang out with my friends, go see punk shows, read at home. At the same time, I have a production company, which is a lot of work.
I'd love to hold a koala. They sleep 22 hours a day, eat eucalyptus leaves and just hang out. I want to spend some time with that guy.
I'm a homebody, I'd rather be in the kitchen cooking than hanging out in a bar.
I'm happy to be on a show that's bridging that gap of 'Okay, I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm a man.'
My sisters and mom raised me to respect women and open doors for them.