My life is art. Its how I express God.
Success made me self-sufficient, but it also took away my anonymity. I'm just this quiet nobody, and all of a sudden people are nervous around me. That was kind of weird.
I took solace in my relationship with God who, along with my dog, was my best friend growing up.
I was literally the black sheep of the family, and there were definitely moments of discomfort while my grandmother was working through her racism.
I work with youth offenders in LA, I've heard them speak and see how music manipulates them.
Prisons are like the concentration camps of our time. So many go in and never come out, and primarily they're black and Latino.
I'm part of an important movement that needs to happen.
My mother, brave woman, lost her whole family when she decided to marry a black man in the '60s. When the marriage fell apart, she had to come back to her family.
It's from our sufferings that we form our consciousness.
My desire to participate in the business is not to make more crap.
Let those who know know, and let me keep what little privacy I can.
That industry expects you to prove yourself over and over again. Do I stay doing this, or do I raise my daughter and live surrounded by people who love me? Wasn't even really a choice.
What saddens me is the corruption of youth and beauty, and the loss of soul, which is only replaced by money.
I'm writing a film. With our access to these powerful media, we're going to take over, because it's really disgusting what is put out there now to be consumed.
Once a week we go to juvenile hall and talk to boys there. Just go and spend a day in the juvenile courts.