The only actor who I think probably might have possibly taken a swing at me if he could have would be Burt Reynolds. He used to call Roger and me the Bruise Brothers, out of Chicago.
After 27 years, I walked out of my first one a few months ago. Black Sheep with Chris Farley.
I'm not surprised that Spielberg was able to capture the heroism of Schindler; so many of his movies are about the better part of mankind.
In fact, Cannonball Run II. I used to pick that as the worst movie ever made.
Is this film more interesting than a documentary of the same actors having lunch?
That's probably when I get the most angry at American movies, when they just so cynically manipulate the audience without even trying to give a good story.
The result is a picture that represents so much of what I want and rarely get from a movie - a couple of hours filled with characters who are as exciting as the people I know in real life.
They know they got the TV ad, they know they got the name recognition, they know that they can do a tie in with McDonald's or some fast food outlet and the money is just gonna flow in.
John Goodman is more that just a big guy, he's a wonderful actor.