The fact was, Ford kept stumbling around. I didn't want him in the White House. I wanted Carter in, and I had a forum of 20 million people watching.
The first thing that happens is that you're overwhelmed by so much attention. It's just so unnatural. Only people who've been in that position can realize what it's like. I mean, you have to be there.
There are very few solid family films. A lot of the writing is awful.
I don't know if my looks will ever get any better, but my pratfalls sure won't.
We never could have performed live for an hour and a half every week if we were doing drugs.
I think the Clintons are brilliant. I've never met a person as intelligent as Bill, and I think Hillary is right up there with him. They're too smart for Washington.
You may have read that I went to M.I.T. In 1982 I filled out a Who's Who survey with joking responses, and they never bothered to check the facts.
They can't make any of these talented young actors Fletch. You might as well make a movie called Chevy Chase.
All my children inherited perfect pitch.
A laugh is a surprise. And all humor is physical. I was always athletic, so that came naturally to me.
Every Vacation movie didn't just make the studio money. They each made the studio a lot of money.
I watched every single Charlie Chaplin film.