You look out there and there's people that, their day is changed because of your contribution to it.
I go to eat dinner with my folks when I'm home. I think that's the trick.
With my guys and with the way that we live out there, we work out a lot and try to eat right, but we try to basically keep it our own rhythm and our own world.
When they say you're the best, I always remember that the majority of the audience probably thinks someone else should have gotten the award.
The nice thing about the world that I've been able to inhabit for the last couple of years is that I'm given a lot of freedom. Not all artists really get that.
If there's a song where there's a possibility of guitar stuff that would be fun to listen to, go for it. Don't worry about what anybody thinks.
If I get an idea for a song, I have a melody for it. I'm a musician first. I'm not limited by the fretboard.
In the past, I tried to be more of a typical session guitarist. I wasn't so concerned with impressing anybody.
If you're really on top, you probably didn't do that great, 'cause you have to water it down a bit for it to get that mass appeal.
It comes down to building your own world out here on the road. It's who you surround yourself with. My band and crew are really positive guys.