The elements and majestic forces in nature, Lightning, Wind, Water, Fire, and Frost, were regarded with awe as spiritual powers, but always secondary and intermediate in character.
When men sow the wind it is rational to expect that they will reap the whirlwind.
There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.
Sometimes the beauty is easy. Sometimes you don't have to try at all. Sometimes you can hear the wind blow in a handshake. Sometimes there's poetry written right on the bathroom wall.
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
All ballplayers want to wind up their careers with the Cubs, Giants or Yankees. They just can't help it.
I think daily that the country's future is being thrown to the wind.
If I talk about Charles Dance I am talking about something else, something I operate and wind up and have to make an impression with and use to transmit someone else's screenplay.
'Gone With The Wind' is one of the all-time greats. Read Margaret Mitchell's book and watch the film again; it's a soap opera in all its glory. It is superb and memorable.
A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand. I think, I too, have known autumn too long.
In a broader sense, the rhythms of nature, large and small - the sounds of wind and water, the sounds of birds and insects - must inevitably find their analogues in music.
I have asked the village blacksmith to forge golden chains to tie our ankles together. I have gathered all the gay ribbons in the world to wind around and around and around and around and around and around again around our two waists.
I used to pull rank and wait until the wind was blowing out.
Night fell clean and cold in Dublin, and wind moaned beyond my room as if a million pipes played the air.