The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth.
The trouble with most Englishwomen is that they will dress as if they had been a mouse in a previous incarnation they do not want to attract attention.
I hate the industry even more now, no bands get nurtured anymore. Labels only spend money promoting acts they know will be Top Ten. I find it offensive spending $2 million on a video.
Unity and secularism will be the motto of the government. We can't afford divisive polity in India.
Nobody should be allowed to tinker with democracy. We will not discontinue the good works of the past government.
They tend to be pretty abstract ones then, like doing what will have the best consequences; obviously you wouldn't specify what consequences are best, they may be different in some circumstances, so at a lower, more specific level, you may well get differences.
There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is.
If we take care of the business and keep our eye on the goal line, the stock price will take care of itself.
You don't have a very motivated working class, it starts to affect the dynamics of the economy. If workers are disenchanted and disenfranchised, productivity losses will go along with that.
I am so anxious for you not to abdicate and I think the fact that you do is going to put me in the wrong light to the entire world because they will say that I could have prevented it.
Nicole will come up in conversations where it's in a part of the conversation. Or we may be somewhere and I would tell some story about their mother and I. You know, we always honor her birthday.
If you live for any joy on earth, you may be forsaken; but, oh, live for Jesus, and he will never forsake you!
I think the rich will eventually have to cave in too, because the economic situation around the world is not gonna tolerate the United States being on top forever.
The American citizen must be made aware that today a relatively small group of people is proclaiming its purposes to be the will of the People. That elitist approach to government must be repudiated.
All right, I will read what's in my pocket.