Just after World War II, this country led the world in science by every way you could measure it, yet the number of scientists was a tiny proportion of what it is now.
If it hadn't been for the Cold War, neither Russia nor America would have been sending people into space.
This programme to stop nuclear by 2020 is just crazy. If there were a nuclear war, and humanity were wiped out, the Earth would breathe a sigh of relief.
The history of mankind is a history of war.
We had better dispense with the personification of evil, because it leads, all too easily, to the most dangerous kind of war: religious war.
I am against all war.
The facts of life are that a child who has seen war cannot be compared with a child who doesn't know what war is except from television.
Bad as was being shot by some of our own troops in the battle of the Wilderness, - that was an honest mistake, one of the accidents of war, - being shot at, since the war, by many officers, was worse.
That man will fight us every day and every hour till the end of the war.
I went over to the Charlestown Navy Yard yesterday and saw some big men of war, one over 100 guns.
I have entered the field to die, if need be, for this government, and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits until the object of this war of preservation has become a fact established.
The Administration has made critical mistakes and errors in judgment leading up to the war in Iraq. The President refuses to acknowledge these mistakes, and thus, no corrective action has been taken to prevent these problems from happening again.
The primary, the fundamental, the essential purpose of the United Nations is to keep peace. Everything it does which helps prevent World War III is good. Everything which does not further that goal, either directly or indirectly, is at best superfluous.
The fact that the talk may be boring or turgid or uninspiring should not cause us to forget the fact that it is preferable to war.
Standing, as I believe the United States stands for humanity and civilization, we should exercise every influence of our great country to put a stop to that war which is now raging in Cuba and give to that island once more peace, liberty, and independence.