I do not want to speak about overpopulation or birth control, but I think education is the way to give new impetus to the poverty question.
People don't understand the kind of fight it takes to record what you want to record the way you want to record it.
You do now have one in three people, as shown by the famous Carlton Monarchy debate poll, saying they want to get rid of the Monarchy. That was unthinkable even three, four years ago.
You can go into Mark Twain's material and prove anything you want. He was against war. He was for war. He was against rich people and he was for them. He was a kaleidoscope.
What career? A man's got a body of film of about four movies in about 10 years or something. I do it because I think I can do a good job of something and I'll enjoy it, do it, and sort of vanish. I don't want to be an actor for hire.
When you have a child, as anyone knows who has them, that's basically all you want to talk about.
If I was a little bit younger I would worry more. I'd want to do one thing at a time but now I try to do a bunch of different things at a time if I can.
I don't really read as much as I used to. A lot of what I was looking for as an escape I find in writing. And the other thing is that I don't want to get into someone else's language when I'm working.
I think we are bound to, and by, nature. We may want to deny this connection and try to believe we control the external world, but every time there's a snowstorm or drought, we know our fate is tied to the world around us.
The key to organizing an alternative society is to organize people around what they can do, and more importantly, what they want to do.
Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing.
Men weary as much of not doing the things they want to do as of doing the things they do not want to do.
Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.
I once was interviewed and got so exasperated that I said, 'What do you want, a shopping list?' They kept asking, 'What's in this picture?'
I want my pictures to be things. I want them to be made up of marks that are physically and individually self-sufficient.