Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Peace Corps as it reached its 45th anniversary on March 1, 2006.
To honor our national promise to our veterans, we must continue to improve services for our men and women in uniform today and provide long overdue benefits for the veterans and military retirees who have already served.
So many of today's programs are about trophies and jackets, and we think that's a big mistake.
The kids wait for it to be organized. They want to go play all of these tournaments, for a little practice time. I learned my skills by dropping the puck just with the kids. I think that's missing today.
Today each composer is not only involved in aesthetics, but he's actually trying to create his own language.
Today, with a recording, he can hear the thing enough times until he really gets acquainted with the language, and then he can begin to make an estimate of the intrinsic, aesthetic value of that piece of music.
We never had it as rough as the kids have it today. Look at the price of a gallon of gas or a piece of real estate or a college education.
The packaging has to really sell the product today, because kids can go out and buy a CD and then 10 kids can burn them. So you have to really be on your toes.
Yet, if we accept the solution offered today by this bill to explore and develop for oil on the coastal plain of ANWR, it will be 5 years, at least, and probably closer to 8 before the first barrel of oil flows from that effort.
We don't have as much prejudice as we did 40 years ago, but today it is more educated.
Living is strife and torment, disappointment and love and sacrifice, golden sunsets and black storms. I said that some time ago, and today I do not think I would add one word.
My past is my wisdom to use today... my future is my wisdom yet to experience. Be in the present because that is where life resides.
The people who run the game, they are the ones who want to change it and make people believe that it's different somehow. It's not different, the only difference is that some ballplayers today have a chance for a four- or five-year contract and they can make big money.
Even if you go to Australia today, it's very much like visiting a state you haven't been to.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.