We're going to have a tax cut. Today's American family is overtaxed at all levels.
The spirit of Ubuntu, that once led Haiti to emerge as the first independent black nation in 1804, helped Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador attain liberty, and inspired our forefathers to shed their blood for the United States' independence, cannot die. Today, this spirit of solidarity must and will empower all of us to rebuild Haiti.
As far as we are concerned, we are ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time, to join the people of Haiti, to share in their suffering, help rebuild the country, moving from misery to poverty with dignity.
There is a tendency around the world today to copy TV culture. And that is not always a virtue.
Boxing gave me the opportunities to grow into the person that I am today.
Sixty per cent of people entering prison today are illiterate.
It takes great skill to tell a compelling story in under 60 seconds. These five directors have mastered the format, using their talent, craft and imagination to provide us with some of the most innovative filmmaking out there today.
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.
I have always admired the work of Phil Farmer and was glad for the chance to work with him. Readers today may be too young to remember his classics like The Lovers.
And it seems to be today, image is a real important thing once again.
In the world today, a young lady who does not have a college education just is not educated.
There is a broad cultural current that conveys the idea that a film is like a football team, it represents a nation, it is illustrated literature, filmed radio. These are outdated concepts, totally out of touch with today's realities.
Today's cinema is a global art form, it is impossible to make movies for a market the size of France, representing no more than 4% of the world's total.
Nobody thinks of themselves as sexy, really. Some days you go, 'Hey, I'm not going too bad today.' But if you try and be sexy, you'll never be sexy.
I don't think today's younger audience... would even know what 1920s musicals were like.