So I've done my fair share of theater. I have also been very fortunate in that I've been able to come to New York two or three times a year just to see as many shows as possible. I think the live theater culture here is incredible.
God comes to us in theater in the way we communicate with each other, whether it be a symphony orchestra, or a wonderful ballet, or a beautiful painting, or a play. It's a way of expressing our humanity.
In theater, you have a rehearsal period and you know just who to be.
In the theater, it's about taking time in a musical segment, a pause in a musical way and then moving on.
I read and watch movies. I can't go to the movie theater much anymore, though, because I get recognized. It's worse sometimes if I wear a costume and try not to get recognized. I watch most of my films on airplanes.
Whoever becomes the head of the National Theater finds himself in a position like that of Nelson's Column - pigeons dump on you because you're there.
I have done a lot of theater.
I love doing theater so much - being in front of an audience and seeing how a character grows and develops with every performance.
Music, art, theater. I'm just a big fan of beauty.
When the theater gates open, a mob pours inside, and it is the poet's task to turn it into an audience.
The real theater of the sex war is the domestic hearth.
You have to transmit to them what it's like being in the theater. And it has to come from somewhere inside you and not by being like what somebody did last year.
I had met a young lady who wanted to be in the theater. It was Judy Holliday. She had somehow fallen down the steps of the Village Vanguard, which still exists today.
Theater is a verb before it is a noun, an act before it is a place.
We were at the Schubert Theater for two years. And we were the first act.