All life is a blur of Republicans and meat.
Something about her eyes or voice has always suggested the hint of a free spirit, trapped in a Peck and Peck cage, dreaming of making rude noises at public gatherings of Republicans.
I believe - I'm not a political expert, but I believe there is a broad consensus, a middle ground if you will, that Democrats and Republicans, business people and workers can agree on, to get this - the economy growing faster, getting people back to work.
The Republican Party is a much bigger tent than people give it credit for. We have a lot of what I guess you all call moderate Republicans.
But I think there was a sense amongst the House Republicans especially that we didn't just want to be opposed to Bill Clinton; that we wanted to tell the country what we were for and to brand ourselves in a more positive manner.
Texas is now a cornerstone of the electoral college for Republicans.
I think people are going to have a choice to make in the fall. But I think there's no doubt there are enough seats in play that could cause Republicans to gain control. There's no doubt about that.
I've always believed in challenging Republicans where they think they are strongest.
A Democrat has to show the toughness to govern. People don't doubt that Republicans will be tough.
The Democrats and Republicans are the same guy admiring themself in the mirror.
But on those occasions when I do strongly disagree with the Democrats and I don't say anything, I think I forfeit my right to have people pay attention to me when I say the things that I don't like about what Republicans are saying.
Now, most of the time I'm going to agree with the Democrats and disagree with the Republicans.
What's troubling is that the Republicans to defend Mr. DeLay are weakening the ethics process.
Republicans are pushing legislation forward that will improve the effectiveness of and bring more accountability to U.S. foreign assistance around the world and bring democracy even further into the light.
I expect the Republicans will enjoy a large bounce out of their convention. They're here wrapping themselves in the 9/11 flag, which I think is inappropriate in many ways, but it's their choice.