Christ: I dislike him very much. Still, I can stand him. What I cannot stand is the wretched band of people whose profession is to hoodwink us about him.
Meek wifehood is no part of my profession; I am your friend, but never your possession.
Incomprehensible jargon is the hallmark of a profession.
Soccer and cricket were my main sports growing up. I had trials as a soccer player with a few clubs interested, Crystal Palace being one, but it was cricket which became my chosen profession.
The profession of a prostitute is the only career in which the maximum income is paid to the newest apprentice.
So I'm in quite the wrong profession obviously.
The ABC of our profession is to avoid these large abstract terms in order to try to discover behind them the only concrete realities, which are human beings.
What a beautiful art, but what a wretched profession.
At this period the enthusiasm of the amateur was fast giving way to a more steady commercial instinct, and I let no opportunity slip of improving my position, but I felt that I was still labouring under the disadvantage of not having acquired some technical profession.
I'm learning to accept the lack of privacy as the real downer in my profession.
I always wanted to act, but I never thought it would be my profession. I thought that I'd end up doing other things, but that in the meantime I'd do plays.
To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.
My mother and my father were teachers. My grandmother and my grandfather were teachers. This is something I really know about. Even when I was a kid, it was a profession my father couldn't stay in, because he couldn't make enough money.
No wedding bells for me anymore. I've been happily married to my profession for years.
This profession has fed me creatively and allowed me to have a home life and a private life.