We are tainted by modern philosophy which has taught us that all is good, whereas evil has polluted everything and in a very real sense all is evil, since nothing is in its proper place.
There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be.
I didn't make any money from my writing until much later. I published about 80 stories for nothing. I spent on literature.
There are no heroes in most of my stories. I look at our society with a critical eye and find nothing extraordinary in the people I see.
If you want to move people, you look for a point of sensitivity, and in Egypt nothing moves people as much as religion.
My painting is visible images which conceal nothing... they evoke mystery and indeed when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question 'What does that mean'? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable.
They believe that nothing will happen because they have closed their doors.
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
Acting and modeling have nothing to do with each other.
The image is where you have dinner at night, who you're seeing. It's what car you drive and how you dress. People in the industry sell that, and it creates a dream. There's nothing else.
People in the fashion industry have used the press a lot more than people in the film industry, because you have nothing to sell except for the image: The image is everything.
Power? It's like a Dead Sea fruit. When you achieve it, there is nothing there.
There are those who will say that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is the American Dream.
There are those, I know, who will reply that the liberation of humanity, the freedom of man and mind, is nothing but a dream. They are right. It is. It is the American Dream.
So the idea that there is nothing essential, in the sense that there are no human universals, is dogma. Ask most anyone who is going to be shot at dawn.