There's nothing secret about it. Everyone knows that I am waiting for my real parents, the king and queen, to come restore me to my rightful throne.
There's nothing more boring than actors talking about acting.
Men think highly of those who rise rapidly in the world; whereas nothing rises quicker than dust, straw, and feathers.
Her great merit is finding out mine - there is nothing so amiable as discernment.
But what is Hope? Nothing but the paint on the face of Existence; the least touch of truth rubs it off, and then we see what a hollow-cheeked harlot we have got hold of.
For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near; My greatest grief is that I leave nothing that claims a tear.
I have always believed that all things depended upon Fortune, and nothing upon ourselves.
'Tis pleasant, sure, to see one's name in print. A book's a book, although there's nothing in 't.
This man is freed from servile bands, Of hope to rise, or fear to fall; Lord of himself, though not of lands, And leaving nothing, yet hath all.
There is something pagan in me that I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything.
What is fame? The advantage of being known by people of whom you yourself know nothing, and for whom you care as little.
Nothing can confound a wise man more than laughter from a dunce.
Her great merit is finding out mine; there is nothing so amiable as discernment.
I am sure of nothing so little as my own intentions.
From doing A Moon for the Misbegotten, I've learned that nobody's love can save anybody else. There are people who want to die, and nothing or nobody will stop them. The only one who can save you is yourself.