Advertising is a racket, like the movies and the brokerage business. You cannot be honest without admitting that its constructive contribution to humanity is exactly minus zero.
You can talk about movies all you want, but I have this porcelain fetish. I've had it since I was a kid, because there were so many kids in my family, the only place I had any solace was in the bathroom.
People over 30 are interested in sex too, but they get real movies about it.
As actors, the thing we have to fight, more than even the business part of making movies, is boredom.
There are some movies I can watch over and over, never get sick of. I'll put one of those on and be puttering around the house. Then a certain scene will come on and I'll just have to go over and watch.
For a number of years, I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be, which is stupid.
You can make movies for a select audience, but you have to market it to them.You can make movies for a select audience, but you have to market it to them.
And I believe that you never be limited in what you do, so I like to do movies, I like to do television.
My agent said, 'You aren't good enough for movies.' I said, 'You're fired.'
The irony is that the more unapologetically sexist men are in movies, the more women tend to be attracted to them in person.
It's a big part of what we do - we test our movies extensively. I'm always there myself. It's sometimes difficult to sit through, especially if it's a version of the movie that's not working particularly well.
I know people watch our movies and they'll see a lot of images - they call it gross-out - that they don't like, and I understand that. It's an important movie and one that's extremely well done, but the amount of violent imagery was not for me.
Clint Eastwood. Here's a guy who's been involved in so many movies, lots of them masterpieces, and now he's a director. I just like everything I know about him. He's very decisive, he makes up his mind real quick.
Yeah, I do like scary movies, especially the ones that don't take themselves too seriously.
I'd love to do a Western. A real Western like John Ford used to do. There's not too many of them made, so I don't know if I'll ever get to do that. They're awfully hard movies to make.