I spend a lot of time at my son's school and I really wanted to do a movie that the kids could see. The good thing about being my age and not having to be the ingenue anymore is that I get to be a mom. I get to have kids in my movies.
I think theater is powerful. The best experiences I had in the theater are more powerful than the best experiences I had in movies.
I choose movies, I never choose roles. I look at the script. I look at the director. I look at the other actors - and then the role.
As long as people want to see me in movies, and as long as I find it interesting, I'll keep working.
You know, Mamet is not a huge writer of female parts. Most of his movies don't even have women in them, so I'm lucky I'm in it at all.
I like to make movies I like to watch.
The greatest luxury is being able to go to movies and plays now and then in the afternoons.
I like most of the Humphrey Bogart movies because they had to act then, and they acted very well. Edward G. Robinson is probably the best actor I've ever seen on the movies.
I've played heavies for years and years and years. I was bald. I came to Hollywood. I did a play about junk. I was a pusher, so I played pushers for years and years and years. I did war movies and things like that.
I've made so many movies playing a hooker that they don't pay me in the regular way anymore. They leave it on the dresser.
Well, I'm a consumer as well. I go to the movies with my popcorn and believe everything I see.
Sex is a doorway to something so powerful and mystical, but movies usually depict it in a completely flat way.
But I've found that to talk too much about movies is the kiss of death. If it happens then it happens, is all.
I think it's time to do clean-up for a generation. I believe this is one of the movies that hits home for all colors and all races. Everybody I talk to, black or white, suburban, rich or poor, can relate to rejection, can relate to not having a father or a mother.
I'll look at the script and I'll try to find as many books, movies, and pieces of music that I think are going to feed each scene or the character as a whole.